Dream of cat and mouse

What is the meaning of dream of cat and mouse?Dream dream of cat and mouse?Dream of cat and mouse with the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of cat and mouse small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of cat and mouse

In the cat andThe mouseDream, represents the power of justice, cat mouse represents the mean person or difficult, cat catch mice show that you will get the help of friends, overcome difficulties and be successful in our career or life.

Dream of the catIn catching mice, said you could meet the thief.To be very careful when going out for pickpockets and robbery,bicycleDon't forget to lock.In addition to pay special attention to friendship, as long as each other and help each other, we organize some activities, the days will pass quickly.

Dream of catching mice, said they would hand in a dishonest friend.

Dream of cat and mouse, said can earn large sums of money.

Out of people dream of cat and mouse, it can be difficult to come back to home.

Dream of cat and mouse, is auspicious, the enemy will kill each other, both dead.

Dream of catching rats, the enemy has conspiracy plot against yourself, must complete the defense work.

Dream of the mouseTaken with the cat, but can realize your wish, stable life and career, and there will be a continuous development.

Dream of being struggling cat catch mice, suggest to get involved in is entanglements of possibility is very large, especially at this time to pay attention to their words and deeds.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Cat and mouse, the Lord into fortune."The duke of zhou interprets"

The cat to catch mice, the main profit."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream a cat to catch mice.The main profit dreams, the children must prevent disaster.If a name is chu dream this, it is an image of bitter sorrow."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream a cat to catch mice.The main profit.Son daughter-in-law have disaster prevention.ChuXingRen dream, has not returned the sigh.The broken dream secretary

Dream of cat and mouse

The duke of zhou interprets of query