Dream about two ants to fight

Dream about two ants fight is what mean?Dream dream of two ants fight?Dream about two ants fight with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of two ants fight the detailed solution.

Dream about two ants to fight

Duke of zhou interpretsDreamed about two antsA fight

Dream about two ants fight, this is a good omen, the dreamer will soon pay off the loan, or indicate the body quickly recovered.

Singles dream about two ants fight, would soon marry, happy will continuously.

Patient dreamed about two ants fight, the body will recover soon.

Businessman dreamed about two ants fight, the business will get better.(provided by the duke of zhou interprets /)

Dreamed of two ants fight attack killed one party or a captive, indicated and you will, or suffering from an incurable disease, or bankruptcy.

Traders dream of ants marched, business will prosper.

Dream of ants in their head or home run, the dreamer is a farmer, is a good one million, means that the good crop weather, the harvest of the long drought might be saved.

Dream of their own bed have ants will become seriously ill.

Dream about two ants fighting case analysis

Dream description: last night, dreamed of home and there are two ants, then I was able to get together with them, then they started to fight, and I am on the watch, I fear, one can only hurt me, but still want to see who won, then my uncle come with unique dynamics of water washed away by them, the two ants, one kind is body produce poison, the other is a flying ants, looks great.

Resolution: dream dreamed about two ants fight is a good omen, the enemy will attack each other, you just played.

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