Dream of jellyfish

What is the meaning of dream of jellyfish?Dream dream of jellyfish?Dream of jellyfish have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of jellyfish detailed solution.

Dream of jellyfish

Dream of jelly fish, swim or jellyfish that will have a pleasant trip.

Dream of jellyfish in herds, said dream character and lively, in the heart always has a variety of ideas, especially the idea to have fun.

Dreamed up jellyfish that enjoy your trip, will emerge out of joy.[emailprotected]

Dream of be jellyfish bite, said there may be some money in your travel.

Dreamed of jellyfish case analysis

The dream description: I grew up in the sea, rightThe seaIn something like the palm of his hand, can count a list of names.That day, I dreamed I went to catch jellyfish.Although jellyfish very soft, but it is quite tricky, not too good, fishing, but I still landed a dream.(male, 20 years old)

Resolution: dream dream jellyfish, symbol of a happy journey.Your dream a jellyfish, it shows that you are naturally lively, more love, in the heart always has a variety of ideas, especially the idea of playing.Dream of swimming jellyfish, suggest you will have a pleasant trip;Dream for jellyfish, means you will have a wonderful trip, a lot of harvest.

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