Dream of chicken

What is the meaning of dream of chicken?Dream dream of chicken?Dream of chicken with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cockfighting detailed solution.

Dream of chicken

Dream of cockfighting, interpersonal rise.You associate with anyone can bold and aggressive, the people around you must also be honest to you, will not conflict.

Dreams see short cockfighting, said your luck is improved, but not so good, but you already feel satisfied.

If see like fighting cocks in illness, or were attacked in the storm, said your rights and interests will suffer.

Dream of cockfighting, dou get bloodied, suggesting that there may be a unfortunate thing happened, or violent altercation with relatives and friends, directly affect the interpersonal relationship.

Dream of cockfighting, showed his very have the strength.Everything will be successful.

Dream of cockfighting failure, predictor for their own interests will be affected by the loss.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the cock is the symbol of a new day, and it also represents the concentration and sober.Dream of rooster herald the life will have a new start, or to remind some of you need to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

Psychoanalysis: dream of rooster general requirements you should have the spirit of struggle.You should be more brave and honest in the face of his career.

The cock in the spiritual symbol: dream represents male virility and the dawn of time.

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