Dream of the white butterfly

Dream of the white butterfly is what mean?Dream dream of white butterfly?Dream of white butterflies have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the white butterfly detailed solution.

Dream of the white butterfly

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of the white butterfly

White butterfly ethereal beauty, the symbol of the spiritual life.

Dream of white butterfly dancing in the flowers, means will live a happy life, there will be a happy thing to happen.

Dream of broken wing of the white butterfly, means that disappointed, let oneself lose confidence in life, business loss, physical illness, is obsessed with sorrow.

Dream of white butterfly landed on his head or on his hat, will because of his outstanding, and even rise level 3, or to become a millionaire.

Dream of catch a white butterfly, means that beloved girl would marry her.

But if on white butterfly flew away, means she will marry someone else.

Dreaming that I am a white butterfly dancing in the air, signal due to finish the work well or published excellent works and reputation.

Dream of flying white butterfly group, means that the home has an occasion for happy days I spent with his family.

Dream of the white butterflies fly in this matter for midway setbacks or lost to competitors such as a sign of frustrated things appear.

Dream of watching white butterflies fly about the air, takes nerve in the things related to the opposite sex, especially due to the love of each other's face awkward predicament.

Dream of the white butterfly died or injured, his wife ominous, or signs of the conflict and kept.

Dreamed of capturing the white butterfly fall, when the cost of energy and material for the realization of absurd to mean.

Dream of a white butterfly dancing in the garden, have a happy thing to happen.

Girls dream of white butterfly, will marry a wealthy, the best man.

Students dream of white butterfly, said recentlyThe testNot equal to idea, need to take more effort.

Dream of the white butterfly crack, says health is good, will become more and more healthy.

Men dreamed of white butterfly, is likely to meet new friends, but be careful, prevent swindled.

Job seekers dream of white butterfly, poor luck, because heart is pessimistic Xie Tai, and there is no motivation.

The old man dreamed of white butterfly, bad luck.Performance in responsibility and ideal, like, a little frustration, should your cloth, can save the day.

Singles dream of white butterfly, predict emotional stability and growing, how to communicate with each other, let each other know more about you, to talk about a career work problems.

Young people dream of white butterfly, suggesting that health need more attention, due to the environment causes a rash, especially in the digestive system, the details of diet.

Dream dream of white butterfly psychology

Explanation: the dream the dream white butterflies symbolizes the relaxed and happy and free.

Psychoanalysis: if you see a white butterfly in his dream, or feel yourself into a white butterfly, you find yourself unable to settle down, not up to a laborious job.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the dream or meditation white butterfly on the one hand, symbol of the liberation of the soul, on the one hand, on behalf of the immortal life.

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