Duke LingQian song: ninety cases of Que changfeng riding up

Duke of zhou LingQianSong: ninety cases of Que changfeng riding up

Commend good pull must expand, old do use in the future

A road such as palm, all that can be applied for general negative

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: please lock deep frown on it, the future there will be recommendations helpful;In front of the broad avenue plainly like out of the palm, all as long as you put it into practice, can always be satisfied!

A road, all can be applied for, in the heart for the head, only forward.Have road to the future, for all things are.

LingQian yue: this sign for the future as easy and feasible.All things in for the trip to see geely also.A clear path forward line.Heart head don't care.Go ahead towards everything can be satisfied.JiChang smoothly.Only in the top.Despising the lower bound.By not forget this day.By noble and lifted it.In other words.Will leave a room.In case to the rugged hill.

A: this sign is positioned for "meaning".To remind the parties, all things not sloppily.In life, we sometimes will face many new opportunities or big decision, especially when things are urgent, timeliness, people tend to unpredictable results and produce after hesitation, or become don't know what to do.At this time, remember that calm calm, careful consideration the present environment and situation, analysis the advantages and disadvantages of their advantage, and then make the right decision.If slow, hesitant, may lead to miss this opportunity.When will be ready at ordinary times, avoid the unexpected.

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The duke of zhou interprets of query