First: duke LingQian 30 ChuHuaiZhu at shut

Duke of zhou LingQianFirst: 30 ChuHuaiZhu at shut

Advise you not to ask like cranes fly close shot

If to collect firewood grass snake fell, according to risk also worrying

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: advise you don't have any other thoughts or desires, like cranes birds were in ambush and injury;Or want to chop wood but don't know snakes hide in the weed, I'm afraid his writing because of this, really worrying.

Silent tongue, WenShi morley, do not have the heart, will hurt yourself.The signing place yourself like that old things are.

The yue LingQian yue: this sign.If you go to pick at the snake grass.According to risk also was full of making.Is like yourself.All temporary conservative at the time of stay.Incompatible situation.Nothing at all.Field.Is bad for the animals.Wei shan candy is fine.In other words.Silent tongue.Business morley is born to heart fear of injury.

Trading - delay marriage - not seek - stay when its adverse - mediocre messuage - Ann animals - tian silkworm - putting bad - resistance pedestrians - resistance liujia - false alarm grave - great luck holds - deficient disease - hard to dash items - see ACTS - conservative

A: this has a "trusting human speech" meaning.Advise the parties, shall have the ability of independent judgment.People in indecision, easy to reduce the confidence, so have to consult the opinions of others, and hope to be able to answer "the more the better.The more information on when you meet the condition of unknown keep calm calm.Focused, rationally analyze the situation.If the fear there are omissions is not complete, ask others though, but the opinions of the majority, sometimes does not mean that it must be right.And the more people ask, and could get the answer to the differences, but lead to nowhere.Be confident about yourself, don't go with the flow.

First: duke LingQian 30 ChuHuaiZhu into at close related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query