Yuelao LingQian sign 28

Yuelao LingQian28 sign

Yuelao LingQian 28 sign the signature

Sign: couple also, brother also.

Sign: married life.As a couple.Your brother must be like kunming.That is like brothers by the strong sisterly partiality.Goodwill.Determined to tie the knot of the branch.A pair of lovebirds flying in the sky.A lifetime to happiness.

Note: Mrs Wife, goodwill, love and house, a lifetime of happiness

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

Husband and wife life to knot, Mrs Wife.Each other must have enough like parental love and trust.In the day wish for a pair of lovebirds, on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever.As a faith to support each other.And the love and respect and tolerate each other everything.Life will be happy.

Obtained the sign fate is satisfactory at present, more appropriate than pray for continued blessings.Ask the fate, great luck.Ask the marriage, cherish cherish every encounter as fate has it.Good luck in one hundred.

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