Yuelao LingQian 20 sign

Yuelao LingQian20 sign

Yuelao LingQian 20 sign signature

Sign: for example, Confucius said, can also.

Sign: if someone asked.So what about the solution.Yue: can also.That can be done.Ask anyone.Is put on my teachers.Iraq and told the king.Can also.You can hold to compass.Resolutely.With the marriage.Now the iraqis delivered by the king.Can or not.Or consult your elders.The vision of iraqis.Can recommend.

Note: can you ask, I can also, always can figure, no need to for Zhu

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

You ask me (joking) or not, I said, can also.All things can be determined to immediately, do not need to worry.The "she" is communication.Can or not can consult teachers or elders.Think of "she" is better.Can be.Can be aggressive.Obtained this sign is mediocre fate, it is better to ask more deities elders proposed action again.Asked the fate, but.A winner.Asked the marriage, but.Can speed progress.

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