Yuelao LingQian signed 10

Yuelao LingQianThe 10th signed

Yuelao LingQian signed signed 10

Sign: the tao support, valley of hunger.

There are two big old adage solution sign: since ancient times.Keep son of age for the sake of their own.After the old.Can go beyond the serve, etc.Who brings entertainment old age.Usually the belt.Product can be hunger.Especially keep son.Must be of good teaching.With the wedding.After pulls into a couple.Old age can take care of each other also.

Note: only the lonely, is natural to marry and have children, Mrs Wife

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

There are three unfilial GuYouMing motto, ways.Reincarnation is the obligation of marriage.Support for enjoys a tianlun and fountain of Mrs Wife.Like your food can be hunger.For a rainy day.Should not be ignored.

Get this sign at present home fate."Child" the help of more complete.Kind of futian gave way.Ask the fate, for your help.Ask marriage, Mrs Wife.

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