Five ways of wealth LingQian sign in ping. I e 】 【 eighty-five

The god of wealth LingQian five roadSign in ping. I e 】 【 eighty-five

How to turn back turn boring move oligonucleotides is how you succeed in one's scheme thousands of pedestrians to lu yao a spring rain is raining

St: and with the points.Not the love of money.Litigation appropriate interest rates.The disaster prevention.Bad marriage.Travel back.Pray for god.F no bush.

Dongpo solution: in.Wade difficult resistance.Many inventions.Finally.

And should be conservative.Not too much.Society has become.Curse away together.

I don't know righteousness blue fairy note: greed.Money is the root of the trouble.If can along with the duty.The flower opens.

Front (drinking peck.Life is rough range.Scheme will hurt.Amiable form to arrange.

Solution: this sign is only appropriate conservatism.Not delusion.If you would take property.The trouble.

Litigation can be avoid.Disease more trapped.Travel back.Marriage is not also.

Paraphrase: there are four seasons.Only one in the spring.Each season.Which refers to a spring.

Account for the travel.Alone but for patronage.But the little things.Event is adverse.

The rain was raining not really rain was raining zai.The cover is a disease are delivered to also.

The beginning, though a maneuver.Against damage.

Everyone who is not fond of extortion.There will be a disaster.

Return line boring main block.Unfavorable delusion.The way of seizing also to society.

Of inspection: a scholars should be hired as southland advising the county east, a friend.Take the gold.After this.

And when he jun five hundred gold.And as the person forget county.

A matter.Tour according to died.Property for Chinese authorities to close.Nothing.

But the beginning of regret from the sign also.

The story

(a) ginger female predicament

Unofficial history.The qin dynasty.Meng jiangnu.Fan Qilang (or good).

Newlyweds were ordered for the Great Wall.

Ginger women to find it.But when.Her husband is dead.To find bones buried.

God is refers to the place bit blood are pointed out.Point to recognize a bone.Bitterly weep aloud.The Great Wall collapsed.

The woman a feast.Since women meng.

(2) the father Song Tian dream Manila deer

Have a zheng (countries in now zhengzhou xinzheng), chop wood in the field one day, he suddenly saw a deer ran in panic.Probably be hunter chasing a nasty, perhaps some injury, not run very fast.Zheng people the opportunity to catch up, a pole killed it.He's afraid the hunter make track for to find, and quickly hid the dead deer in a hollow hole (without a pool of water), cover some wood, hide, just as if nothing has occurredly continue to chop wood.It's getting dark, not a hunter, zheng who is ready to pick back its prey.But anyway he can't find any place to hide the deer.In the end, he thought, "maybe I didn't hit a deer, more didn't hide deer, just had such a dream!"

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