Five ways of wealth LingQian sign in ping. XinJi 】 【 seventy-six

The god of wealth LingQian five roadSign in ping. XinJi 】 【 seventy-six

Points of good and evil in life the fortunes of the two way jun from eight thousand for this matter how to say with jun three thousand law

St: ask dispute.And broken.Paul for money.When the chuai yourself.Rid disease early.Don't make.Marriage is more careful.Fang Jili.

Dongpo solution: good or ill luck and changeful.Not only at one end.YanBuJinYi.When viewing the heart.

Because of the ill.The cause of the disaster mori evil.The flight from.Appropriate since the advance.

Blue fairy note: litigation court has risks for mo.Lest inside the heart.Things to know before.But since the fugitive dust will be good and evil.

(litigation court risk mo Hu Xing.No is nothing but dreams don't surprised.The fortunes of the original no destiny.Weigh the good and evil from clear.

Solution: this man.Yin people talk.When viewing the heart.To accumulate merits by doing.

The evil the root of the trouble.Good from evil.Appropriate since the advance.

Marriage should be careful choice.The attempted.Do not prevent illness.Litigation is a prime.Appropriate as a blessing.Funghi.

Paraphrase: good or ill luck tong plug.When then accounted for.To push it.

Like is auspicious.As a bad fall.This point also.

Seek fame.At the beginning of the attempted.After the show Zhuo.

Camp for everything.There are two road.Account for the appropriate on the good is evil.

Never greedy for novel approaches.Generally, first xi also after sorrow.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can account for test: life field.Since the "word.Of the unknown.After receiving the original volume the view.

Frontcourt close circle fitting yuan.The back is daub is unbearable.The test of the 342 words also.

Yu uncle again.Gong Shen together.Ming when Lin porsche.Type.Have to this.

When the government tries to keep no Zhi.Worship only court try best each meter.Wenwu with hand in hand.

Three new life.Cheaper copper eight thousand.Signed by express.The test case.

And qing guangxu.JiMao.Quanzhou south temple.Wen will jinjiang.

Qiu Sheng belt sign.In the big chief house money to this.After the township Wei.But eight Qiu Sheng volume to take.

This is eight thousand.And with your digital test.

The story

(a) main injection law

Han.Played havoc.Pei county.Good people.When the micro.Taste for pettifoggery history.

After the zohan gaudi set.As prime minister.In order to work Cuo hou.

Han both unify.In chapter three the covenant.Not to changzhi.

Is life played havoc on law.To make people know the law.

(2) the Xi called Deng Tong

The jia also in Chinese emperor the then prime minister, and as a jester Deng Tong pet by the Chinese emperor.Once the jia pertains to play things, Deng Tong stood at the side of the emperor, arrogance disrespectful.The fine after the play things, the muzzle Deng Tong, immediately said: "your majesty has a love of princes, riches and honour, as to the court of, can't be grave!"This is the lesson on the emperor.

Subsequently, the fine life Deng Tong close to prime minister mansion;Deng Tong frightened, but can't afford not to go."Tong to prime minister mansion, bareheaded, ACTS Xian, make a ceremonious nod xuko. Scarlett sat freely, for the ritual, accountability yue:" his court, high court of the emperor also, little princes, play house, irreverent, when cut. History in this line of cut! "make a ceremonious nod, the first bleeding, don't understand."(more than "han ˙ (53) managed to Chinese emperor then sent someone to summon Deng Tong, this just to save his life.

Tiangong remind you

This sign meaning judicial way to handle things don't go, because it is moving in the right direction?Or a bad direction?The key here.

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