Five ways of wealth LingQian sixty-five sign e 】 【 up. G

The god of wealth LingQian five roadThe sixty-fifth sign e 】 【 up. G

ZhongYan letter to introduce more into gradually after a new personnel door beaming strong north wind chills is poor in winter

St: money more.A high school.Can ask marriage.Yi yi.Disease namely.The pedestrian.Evil away.F force.

Dongpo solution: the number in the winter.Poor long pass.During next season.Beaming.

A to the New Year.The gas filling.Good guest.With Pepsi.

Blue fairy, frustrated becomes a satisfied return.Introduction to sticks to see machine.When the risk is difficult to calm.Pepsi harmonious no right and wrong.

Solution: the sign for very poor in winter.Meet and pass.Noble promoted.Pepsi prosper.

The sick.Litigation and used.Money is expected to be.Ask for marriage.Fame and fortune.The pedestrian.

All things in the survival and death.

Paraphrase: luck of the poor.Change of trillion.Duration during.Although many an occasion.If not the New Year.

After the personnel.Not pushing higher.Week of refers to the artificial turning also.

If the.Noble words also.

Letter of introduction.To the spring in all things.Fierce into.A good thing.

The imperial examination of test: life.Account for this.Try to winter in the shop name signed.To the spring quite not taking.

The so-called poor in winter.This also.After only included.This and more in.Peep, shall be submitted.

The story

(a) is mulan and poems

The song dynasty.Lv meng is.Words at the beginning of the st.Henan people.Monk home micro taste in clause 4.

Mulan temple and poems.The agent flow with different products.

When emperor taizong).more specifically.GuoJu jinshi first.After three phase.To introduce talents.

Make up and said.According to xian phase.

(2) Ma Zhou ideas (please Ma Zhou taizong three)

History is liu2 bei4 three mountain, given the various ge is bright for the story of han, leave spread century, xian.In fact, the prosperous times monarch emperor taizong also have a period of three Ma Zhou story, please.Emperor taizong not only during infancy, inheritance, immediately set all, pay attention to seeking and proclaimed himself after he began to reign, and he thought more ZhongLiang KuangFu national politics.His "three please Ma Zhou" abnormality), show demand if he is thirsty monarch.

Drawing for three years, the drought in the world, serious disasters which threaten the national economy and people's livelihood.Emperor taizong was so frightened that multiple baiguan rain and very devout blamed himself.Emperor taizong day should not, then pass to discuss countermeasures.He announced that no paper I would point to court decree or military commanders of the gain and loss, and puts forward several specific opinions.It is often difficult to broken military commanders, he returned to the house, when you are sad.Just a friend named Ma Zhou down and out, in the home roam to changan, stay in his house.Learned how difficult things, often Ma Zhou without thinking, documented, magnificently to court more than twenty advice, language is very beautiful.

In early the next day, often He Huai the uneasy mood will be thin to emperor taizong.Emperor taizong, these Suggestions mentioned, even, it is feasible, but worf is often what is not has the inspiration, and asked what he wrote.How often they tell the emperor taizong for Ma Zhou write.Emperor taizong asked Ma Zhou what kind of person, how often will introduce to the emperor taizong said, "is Ma Zhou qinghe Ren flat (now shandong Ren flat), born in a poor family, but hard working, especially proficient in the classics of pre-qin scholars.

Because the ego is outstanding and lofty and aloof, and frustrated.He teaches at a school in BoZhou, often scolded by local officials, angrily left, left home to travel.He is very poor, often being bullied, through hardships came to changan, living in the house I, is a sunkist also today."

Emperor taizong finish listen to, immediately a presentiment that is hidden in the "spring" side is a outstanding talents.Pass a letter to the reward is often what silk three hundred, recognize talent to work, he recommended and how often to go home, please Ma Zhou see driving into the officer.Waited for about half an hour, see the horse to weeks ago.Eager, emperor taizong seeking a personally send officials before the palace of the four horse floats please Ma Zhou.For half an hour, emperor taizong looking outside the house, also see Ma Zhou into the palace.He sent a four horse floats to rush please.This is the emperor taizong circles at that time the honour worthy men of letters, three please Ma Zhou.

Emperor taizong see Ma Zhou, widely asked rao the virtue of the world, Confucius Confucianism thought essence, sui zhou 'rise and fall slightly, and the current malpractices and horse weeks trigger, view penetrating.Emperor taizong of Ma Zhou talent and loyalty is very appreciated, soon thanks for the supervision of the empire.

Ma Zhou after an official governance modest, cautious, not stick to prominence, innovation, for drawing once system construction has made important contributions.Honors Ma Zhou diligence state, emperor taizong personally wrote the "husband and wife blunt clouds, will be false wings, fbi sent, to loyal force" sixteen cursive characters favor Ma Zhou, make Ma Zhou great honour.

Dynasty twenty-two years, Ma Zhou critically ill, emperor taizong himself for his medicine, physician care day and night.Ma Zhou died, just 48 years old, the emperor taizong mourning unceasingly.

Can be seen from treat Ma Zhou of emperor taizong, emperor taizong shortage piety, bailey's honour, with good consistent, demand of deep feeling.So the world always gathered court, manner to create datang war.

Tiangong remind you

This sign says that is the "personnel", in the third sentence, is this personnel is unable to get, to find a job this things, the time point in the New Year.

As for the personnel how to do?The answer lies in the fourth sentence, in the proposed two solutions can refer to (but not both).

The first: "ZhongYan letter to introduce" meaning in the mind of the idea can be told the first met after spring.

The second: "ZhongYan letter to introduce" meaning can be admitted to the etiquette of work, to have a good communicate thoughts to ancestors.

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