Sign five-way mammon LingQian. 36 [. Ding Ji 】

The god of wealth LingQian five roadArticle 36 sign on ji. Ding Ji 】 【

Wushan well drilling turtle wanli inati on the top of the points I the to whip the mo ask jun was the first since for wealth and fame

St: fame and fortune.In the evening.Litigation right.The disease gradually heng.Ask away.Drag the itinerary.Marriage can close.The child will bear.

Dongpo solution: riches and honor points.Late sometimes.Zang ware.Don't complain later.

Lift the day.It is.If the horizon.Can never suspected.

Blue fairy note: glory.Is not made at the time.Others up to early.Don't hate late.

Solution: this label cannot be hurry about.More haste, less speed.Riches and honour late sometimes.If at home.Out of the huntsman.Should not be conservative.Litigation right.Fame and wealth as late.The pedestrian resistance.Marriage will become.The disease gradually.First, after fierce.

Paraphrase: poor get lost.By chance.Have its time.All things into it.After the will is.Inati.Process of fame and fortune.Wushan is the mountain of wu yue.The emperor acceded to the throne.Moved to the more.Will your fame.As for the south.To persons.Accounted for as well as into the figure of fame.Well drilling and turtle.Call of them with no signs.Since the can.Want to be in when repairing.Wait.Not on when not to.And lamentation.

Seek the south with.The northern instability.

For test: xi resembles a middleman.Father and son because of separated.Account for this.Because of the wushan divination.To his.

Saw a father find son poster.Hence to see his father.Test case.

Gong Guangwen again.Will should try.Account for this.When zheng Wu Boxin to learn.The ministers also.Fruit in panxi.

The story

(a) Luo Yin officer

The tang dynasty.Luo Yin.Zhao about character.Qiantang.Poetry.Called luo dong.Wu yue money Liu bi ACTS.

The judge agreement section degrees.Taste said.Beg chu wen Liu longitudinal reactive power.The insurable hangzhou.

Arm but delivery of the thief.Intended to "to finally.The shame of the ancient body.There are a lot of work.

(2) Xie An Shi Dongshan high lie

Eastern jin Xie An, word ashmore, ancestors from generation to generation the officer, smart studious, since childhood with literary talent, namely fame when he was young.

Xie An would not be restricted by the high rank, excuses in poor health, resigned to take the dongshan, seclusion and literati, often to travel.Please he has declined to the shape of a few others, even the court to his officials also declined.Xie An more than forty years old when the family have, in order to avoid the economic interests of the family status and affected by the serious, would no longer refuse officer.

At this point, the palm of the national government and military affairs fu HuanWen please Xie An when deployed.When Gao Song jokingly said to him: "Sir Several times refused to court up. High lie dongshan. Many people say, ashmore, not to come out a few people do! Today, you have come out a few, how people look at you!"There is quite a shame Xie An listened to.

Xie An really talented, however, the last as prime minister.At the battle of water is under his leadership, the younger brother and nephew Xie Xuan Xie Shi command, beat FuJian army of more than ninety.

The idiom "comeback" is derived from this period of history.

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