Five ways of wealth LingQian 31 sign in ji. Ding Jia 】 【

The god of wealth LingQian five roadSign in ji. Ding Jia 】 【 31

Happy mother looks at a spring to guard channel epicenter distance letter notes gradually done only unusual JiChang qiu dong

St: litigation gradually.The disease gradually.The beginning of.A beginning.The pedestrian.A good marriage.Come down.Fu lu chang.

Dongpo solution: every best hope.Autumn and winter.To the spring.Initial light heng.

Travel has a letter.For all.Home understand.Can be preserved.

Blue fairy note: always seek for a long time will become.Spring to rank order the huntsman.Conversion of geely is good.Gradually into property accordingly.

Solution: this sign qiu dong.Meet spring seek counsel.Only should be gradual.Not urgent.

Pedestrians to.Litigation will be.The disease gradually.Married for a long time.Every man.The ankang also.

Definition: every best hope.Autumn finally.To the spring can torture name.

The imperial examination held in autumn attempted.ChunWei AD.Thousands of letters.Appropriate is far not near.Appropriate slow shoulds not be quick.

If hurry about harmful.Your mother's mother also.Safe and happy.

Generally the words family sign of qingyu.Must be in season.Together they will.Not lovely, lovely this ride).

For test: missed a lifetime of imperial examination held in autumn.Qiu dong is also common.If ChunWei has hopefully.

Jinjiang again.Surfed.If a brother defensibly in hangzhou.You are ".Death his mother with it.

Account for this.Not a few days can be to.Some say fled.Beginning know JiChun is still in the year.

Is to take off.Go home.The poem test.

The story

(a) Su Qing negative letters

Han.Su Wu word.The child.Make the huns.Left 19 years.

There was a stay very much.The child qing na.And the third.

To about its farther..more specifically to China.After means keeping.

Two sons in the mother lives.To please Su Qing.Ignore the.

By the principal's female with a nodal without letter.The daughter of stolen "poly apes.

(2) production Bai Yunwang pro

With the production, the word.Tang bing (today), Shanxi Province, taiyuan people.Born in drawing two years, died in wu zetian SAN calendar for three years, seventy year old.Give wenchang right phase, Shi Wen Hui;The theory of canonization Liang Guogong.

RenJie have been studious, with filial piety to smell village.For Ming.Hired give bing method is different, when parents fill river Yang (now in henan province), a far cry from.To bing RenJie taihang mountains, lifted up his eyes, and look, see the white clouds solitary fly, hit me, "gu said:" I kiss under the cloud."I look to himself standing still, for a long time.Cloud application, starting down the mountain.The so-called "baiyun festive", that is, from then on.

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