Five ways of wealth LingQian sign [in ji. C f] 26

The god of wealth LingQian five roadSign in ji. C f 】 【 26

Fields with sufficient torrential rain and son on a regular basis just for this year's drought is more years in three days there days

St: fame and fortune.Although this loss.If encounter.Then return to this.Be solved in litigation.Ill.The wedding is close.Pedestrians also.

Dongpo solution: good and bad days.Now many Zhun.Until even.Meet spring such as wood.

Prayer should be.The sunchime.Hope will then.Good rimmon.

Blue fairy note: how good and bad days nai.And the blessing and the stay time.Prayer should be in three days.Introduction to camp for good.

Solution: after this sign for damage in advance becomes extinct.Ask disease.Energy is not suitable.Now many regrets funghi.

Disease in GengShen good day.Litigation is the solution.Fame and fortune.Pedestrians will be in three days.

Marriage is not.No for money.Everything is bad also.

Paraphrase: riches and honour are the number of days.The human act.Whoever seeks for.Eritrea in time has not been smooth.

Three days on a regular basis.Perlocutionary will change also.Age of the change.

Heptyl for three days before.For decyl heptyl three days after.The word has become fierce as auspicious.Name into it.

And when we would like to take.In the beginning do not move.The appropriate disease in prayer.There are three litter son.

Bottoms (arrive) hollow reputation and less real too.

For test: life.The imperial examination held in autumn.Three days of rain.Governs in the list.Also should be at the end of the two sentence.

And life test repeatedly.In his late years and his son both exam.After his very proud.

Accounts for the offspring.The yi xi.Have off days.Should take the time.

Is the word.Told his father don't believe it.Close to the account.Again this is broken.

, able to contend.Send a list.Take into his son.The enlightenment for the first time.The fruit should be naturally two words.

.more specifically to account for.Is shown to the child set three characters.

The story

Shao Yaofu tell day

The song dynasty.Shao yung.The word YaoFu.A 22-year-old young man.In books are read.Fine astronomical number.

Number of days as of the ancient and the hero.If encounter incense to day.For the people.Sincere respect.

The Wang Gongchen lv law, etc.Can't afford to commend repeatedly.He was sixty-seven.

Give the secretary province.Book lang yuan guan.Shi section.

Tiangong remind you

Obtained by this sign, sometimes immediately encounter rainy for three days, the career still no better.

If it is farming, such as street vendor need to refer to the weather, get this label or as the weather forecast.

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