Five ways of wealth LingQian signed 15 [in ping. B e]

The god of wealth LingQian five roadSign in ping. B e 】 【 15

But the harp to the LAN room until the spring breeze good message not marriage two portal each fight fairly

St: marriage.Litigation pending.Fame and fortune later.Tidings.The child hard to bear.The breath.The confidant.Don't twaddle.

Dongpo solution: two meaning not us.Ought to be.The sorrow and feel secure.Trespass not carefully.Until the spring.All the funghi.

If you or move.No heart.

Blue fairy, two not together.Pepsi to harmonic.The portal can feel secure.You fear into good.

Solution: the signature.Don't.Marriage.

Everything is for the New Year.Which took chengyi.If the error.The heart.Not as people wish.

Explanation: the quite."Can't order also.The Lord of the same flesh and blood with speech is too hurt to breath.

The material substitution.Party.His wife, hehe.Parents grams of harmonic.

If you or do nothing.Futility.Encounters Yin bases, Chen (date) (month) (year).Both fame and wealth.Pepsi is appropriate.

One of inspection: spring to chu between business.To this.I would return refers to the autumn.And to Peter.Detention by business.Just to spring for home.

Two sentences at the end of the test.

The story

(a) Zhang Junrui have warbler warbler

The tang dynasty.Jun rui zhang arch (at a) word.The pudong by business.Embodies the pujiu temple.Temple of the west wing.There are mother and daughter yet r.The cousin of jun red.A girl's name of miss.Has a unique color.Value of the fighting in disorderly.Cui mother promised.If you can.Women would like to be his wife.Jun, a pseudo protected.Is difficult.Cui mother after back.You sick of yi.Learning refers to its not due to debut.(western)

(2) wang xizhi temple abdomen (this story has nothing to do this sign, but confirm still can reference accordingly, should not be ruled out abruptly)

Wang xizhi is open, informal and not MuRongLi at an early age.In the west-wing 美谈 carrying wang xizhi "abdomen son in law".

Jin dynasty showed XiJian marriage with the wangs, they sent someone to the wangs suitors18) away.Wang Dao bearer to emerged one by one to watch their sons and nephews, after return to XiJian said: "the wangs the teenager is pretty good. They heard from Xi home I choose son-in-law, have reserved demeanor, only one person on a boobs eat dew, a pair of doesn't seem to know about it."XiJian listened and said: "this is what I want to find JiaXu."Later know abdomen and food are wang xizhi, he married her daughter to him.Abdominal "later" a, "a" to become a good son-in-law, and or call without others' son-in-law "temple".

Tiangong remind you

This sign the "battle," is not a marriage, that is, should not be in the sight of this objectTo get marriedWeek/cooperation, it's not worth turning down, please give up to break away from the, waiting for the next chance.

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