Five ways of wealth LingQian tenth sign down. A decyl 】 【

The god of wealth LingQian five roadThe tenth sign down. A decyl 】 【

Can only pray that god will fight after the Buddha with the straight teach see Yang why dozen watts total drill turtle patients life Jian failure

Shengyi: hard to figure.Paul lost.Pedestrians late.Litigation rates.Linger.Pray that god will save.Don't covet.Should be conservative.

Dongpo: fate Jian more.Miles and miles of disease.But should be revised.Shelter heaven.Straight to the winter solstice.Pray for god to dash.

All the hope.Work will be full.

Blue fairy note: 旡 jump in fierce.Yin people breath.After the account a birthday.Gradually the sun came out again.

Solution: this sign.XiaoRan desire of the wicked repent.You ask, ill.May be in October.Otherwise the mo.

If do not to.Evil to.Principal god also.

Definition: a YangFuSheng.Is the meaning of happy.Ty of trillion also.Intergrowth Christmas holiday.Fame and wealth gradually.For pushing higher.

Only to avoid harm to be good.Not move.The gentleman of the.When the decay of the shipment.Copy his artificial aid.The foundation to their own.Not for small trap.Little people of the yi yi to expire.Not into the ling gentleman.Disease litigation over the previous month.No matter for her love.

Account for test: life test.Only.This does not take.Should be in hold the tile.

And after the injury again and again and again.Account for this.In the 22.Purge the winter solstice in November.Is a syndrome of Yang at the end of the complex.

Car and see just operator 22 also.The test of the third sentence.


(a) RanBo cow disease

RanGeng weeks (in).The word "cow.Lu.Hole gate disciple.With virtue.Have a strange disease.Will die.Confucius is very regret.Yue has.And has the disease.Later generations after sealing Yun male.

Tiangong remind you

"Play" is an ancient throwing game, "turtle" is the meaning of the imago (divination), the so-called "why watts total drill turtle", for the official can be explained as "why throw here Jiao imago" meaning.

"Why, of course, a tile total drill turtle" could also explain "why were the imago" meaning.

This sign meaning patients life in extreme danger is meant to be (even deserve), god also temporarily unable to help at present stage, who were on their own, such as the patient can have this, determine the life not to, then ask god.

Solution to sign not elegant prose work, but found in the ancient prose and believers corresponding metaphors of text, modern life is effective for official interpretation.

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