Maharaja LingQian no sign said Hugh said, no points, no don't

Maharaja LingQianNo sign:

Sign: Hugh said Hugh said, no points, no don't, get things in the coming year, the water to catch on.

Sign: do anything you want to plan a plan, set a timetable, and then in accordance with the schedule time, step by step, step by step is class, not to think about what to do things on and around the appropriate.Whether everything exactly the same, no difference, otherwise, "all talk" has been dragged, until after next year, next year and the next year, so, success is just like the water to catch on the unreal like and there is no practical significance.

Paraphrase: sit and say, it is better, since is the LingQian warning to us."Lazy" is human prey, something can drag drag, drag couldn't drag to Ken to do.But if both "priorities", that will make things down, joint also dragged down his own future.So "fame fortune" as "on the water and flowers in the mirror", but that's just a fantasy.

A comprehensive explanation:

Fame: the sword and the shoe, and fame.

Promotion: action, drag is separated.

Career: don't waste, struggling to fight again.

Lost: time has passed, also hard to gain.

Profit: various preparation, meriton north and south.

Disease: cherish life, god speed.

Marriage: say much for less, interested can chase.

Pedestrian: no sound no letters, on today.

tianHouse: see listen more, gain ying ying.

Travel: calm this year and next year.

Stores: too do, will be more profit.

Liujia: male, difficulty to drag this year.

Officer,Litigation: and, drag and wars.

Animals: immediate, epidemic next year.

House: vibration failure on all, reengineering and bright.

Seeks: go immediately, waiting for any mistakes.

It's hard to restore a move: beauty, current hysteresis.

ZuYing: there is no change, no more bending ring.

Maharaja LingQian no sign said Hugh said, without points don't related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query