Maharaja LingQian 35 sign worries bother, until now

Maharaja LingQian35 sign

Sign: worries bother, until now, snake, monkey meet, just change the former Yin.

Sign: solution is very feel very annoyed, is very very annoyed.That's because for a long time, until today, there are always a don't finish the difficult, unreasonableness, the day of grief, cut off.Such a complex and had the opportunity must wait patiently until the snake (the third) monkey meet (shen) days later, to completely get rid of the weak, again from the bottom up, gradually changing groaning voice before, and sing for joy and prosperity, happiness and smile.

Interpretation of the"Snake in righteousness: on a LingQian dragon horn" refers to "decyl the third day", refers to the "day" alone.The sign "snake monkey meet 麘" refers to the month and day of liuhe, is the "liuhe day".The snake to the third, monkey ", the third month (April) ShenRi or "month (July), the third day, this is liuhe.Decyl have up alone, the waiting time is shorter, and the liuhe, waiting for a long time.

A comprehensive explanation:

Fame: bitter suffering, famous through the ages.

Promotion: not at the time also don't slack, not idle.

Career: turn around, he is yet to be.

Don't regret lost: do not worry, don't bitter chase.

Profit: don't be impatient, again in the future.

Disease: relieved coziness, recover early.

Marriage: don't definitely, we assure you joy at this time.

Pedestrian: bottom, meet life.

Evidence: the cautious, conservative look on.

Travel: rescheduled party good, too.

Stores: the old and new deposit.

Liujia: male is expected, but now not busy.

Officer litigation: dark in front and not far from the light.

Animals: desire flourishing, three moonlight.

House: wide mind, ferro devious.

Seeks: at this point is not auspicious, the one hundred - day again.

To: don't move, keep a living at this time.

ZuYing: to qi, the rest will be good.

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