Sign: 48 mazu LingQian 48 days LingQian solution xinhai Jin Liqiu appropriate its west

matsuDays after LingQian: poems said

YangShi done without and with, the cloud covered the moonlight is dim;Heart wants to go to future, only fear in life is not.

Mazu days LingQian: yue

Always been hurt, and auspicious. Work hard to become, not smoke into. Housework. Shipment for pathogens, uneasy. Marriage is not good. O son. The best male (son daughter-in-law, late come). Seek light,. Fame. Old gentleman homeless. Cure ghost, good day (half), Yin Chen bases, afraid. Go ahead. Do business without money. (half) to the bearer is not day. Row boat no. Moving is bad. The lost find hopeless. Rain suddenly and violently. Officer believe not. Animals cannot keep. Cultivation is not auspicious (only half) build room cannot be decided.The graveVery poor. Please sea in ghosts. As a farm. Rare fish multiterminal defeat. Enveloped dark cannot. Wanted to. Far letter YinXi exploration of space.

Mazu days LingQian: the ancients

Dragonfly intoThe spidernet

Sign: 48 mazu LingQian 48 days LingQian solution xinhai Jin Liqiu appropriate its western related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query