29 days LingQian mazu LingQian 29 solution sign: e shall belong to the years of the quartet all appropriate

matsuDays after LingQianSign: 29 e the third (belong to the years of the quartet all appropriate)

Days laterMazu LingQianSign: 29 poems said

Deadwood unfortunately did not meet spring, now the hidden in the dark;Relieved and weathered retreated, still jun still make heaven and earth.

29 days LingQian mazu LingQian 29 solution sign: e shall belong to the years of four sides all appropriate _ divination in the lottery

Mazu days LingQian sign 29: sign language translation

Taiwan north sea guanyin immoral

At present, although it is cold winter but in spring, getting a new lease, natural exuberant.Although luck was not improving phenomenon, now only with perseverance and patience to wait for the opportunity to come.Don't have to be worried, wait for weathered retreat, natural gods help you turn things around.Fate, god for this sign indicated that the parties WenShi seeks to period, get the gods help, this has a willow in the spring, said you encounter difficulties at present, the gods have secretly attention and help, man proposes, god disposes. Man proposes, god disposes, accomplish anything need luck and destiny.Mature wait for chances, and then is the flat for the road ahead.The signed after a storm comes a calm.Ask money, began in earnest.Ask fame, not yet, has yet to be studying.Ask the marriage, the chance of success is slim, had to wait for the time being.As for the marriage of a good or bad, is first after bitter sweet.Moved to, go out, should not be temporary.Ask disease, danger, Yin evil magic dim, should eliminate the evil.

Moral education of Taiwan mazu with repair

Shelley's ode to west wind sentence: "if winter comes, can spring be far behind?"Now although it was cold in the winter, but spring arrives in a twinkling of an eye, getting a new lease, nature of business.But now, only waiting in the dark.You don't have to be too impatient, and relaxedly wait, wait for weathered retreat, natural spring, you still have the springtime of the world!By peeling and, after a storm comes a calm, this is the law of nature, like the four seasons of evolutional, winter, cold winter frost back, is the time when the beautiful spring scenery.To draw this sign, said this is what you hone your opportunity, as long as you overcome the present difficulties, then a is flat for the road ahead.This sign asking for money, though small, there is.Ask fame, not yet, still must read books.Ask the marriage, chance of success, had to wait for the time being.As for this pile marriage is good or bad, is first after bitter sweet.Moving, going out, a temporary move than a static.

Mazu days LingQian sign 29: yue

In all things: stay

Done: none

Housekeeping: peace

Home: family prosperity.(lag)

Marriage: flat

Son: don't

Liujia: male after female first

Seek: organs is bad.He ping

Fame: don't

Old gentleman: right

Cure: the dark.Meet spring shipment.(old)

Out: do not

Business: to keep life

People: no day (half moon)

The boat: there will be none

To: no

Items: aid.(will be)

Rain: for a long time will not

Officer: the tail

Animals: do not

Farming: no, half closed

Build a room: gradually to spring

The grave: will be send after shipment

For the sea: still.New adverse

A farm: back to the original shipment.Dark,

Fry: spring.No time in the summer

I pulled:

Wanted: pedestrians to stay

Far letter: to touch speed

Mazu days LingQian sign 29: the ancients

GuChengHui duke guan guillot

29 days LingQian 29 mazu LingQian solution sign: e shall belong to the years of the quartet all appropriate related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query