Wenwu temple Confucius holy sign 24 sign Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to signThe twenty-fourth sign

Poem: new knowledge by wu, day by day month are not forget to know, this is a new temperature so the righteousness, dacheng and eagerness to learn kung fu.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: there is auspicious

Delta xia said that a person can learn something I don't know every day, every month to review has learned, so can be said to be studious.The need of human life is many, life's problem is complicated, as long as you study hard, and review the existing wisdom thought new foundation, before you can meet the needs of life, to solve the problems of life.Especially the age in rapid progress, more should study hard, and so warm, in order to complete the precious life value.

Delta to establish the foundation, seek development.Luck and bright future.

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