Wong tai sin LingQian sign: 86 signing solution kan female welcome

Wong tai sin LingQianSign: 86 kan greeter

Pray: good or ill luck of flat LingQian

Wong tai sin LingQian eighty-sixth sign: flat sign kan greeter

Wong tai sin LingQianThe 86th sign: signed a poem

Cut hair welcome also virtuous woman whom more lean lean

Ancient and modern only TaoKan mother so appear in the ten thousand generation

Note: the mother of yesterday TaoKan.JiaPin guest to.Cut his hair to sell it.To buy wine to entertain.A person is known.Referred to as a virtuous woman.Name for ten thousand generations.

Wong tai sin LingQianThe 86th sign: sign the poem

This sign is about TaoKan youth JiaPin, no money to welcome guests, tao mother very virtuous, he cut his long hair, take to sell.Such a virtuous woman, ancient and modern to mother tao, worthy of all admire.

Obtained by this sign, we assure you, or have a good environment, but try to keep a few days at the moment.To keep things stay, though poor to extremely, if the heart of the integrity, eventually there will be a benefit in the future also.If the current difficulties, must not move also.

Wong tai sin LingQian 86 sign:Fairy machine

Marriage can close.Disease cure.

Pregnant women.The pedestrian.

Livestock and silkworm.All good.

Ask for.House is beautiful.

Ask the fame.Can find.

Looking at things.Good lead noms.

Wong tai sin LingQian 86 sign:paraphrase

Time: although not to the universiade, but everywhere life ray.

Career: period, in overcoming difficulties, you are full of confidence about the future.

Wealth: money through thrift accumulation.Unbiased windfall.

Themselves: upright, resist the temptation, no sweet without sweat.

Family: not due to the environment in the home is disturbed, thanks to the pains of a harem.

Marriage: LingQian suggests that marriage, but don't clings to a silver spoon in his mouth.

To: someone reading out, to make a living, in the home is in this sign.

Reputation: yourself in word and deed, will win the respect of others.

Health: fine, have in the homeA pregnant woman, a girl the best.

Friendship: keep a hedge between keeps friendship green with friends, don't make fair-weather friends.

Feng shui: LingQian implying smoothly without obstruction.

Lost: find or available.

Themselves: bitter and sweet.

Timing: light in real taste.

Travel: go to the right.

Commentary and recorded: kan greeter

TaoKan jin dynasty is a big officer, having both ability and political integrity originally for the county collectors, due to the excellent, moved gradually pursuit officer to sign after west, general secretariat of jingjiang reach two states, at the head of the military, eight states officer for forty years, not greedy don't drink don't bet on, never waste a paper, wood, this sign is about TaoKan youth JiaPin, no money to meet the guests, tao mother very virtuous, resolutely cut their long Bi, take to sell, such a virtuous woman, ancient and modern to tao one mother, and worthy of all admire.

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