Wong tai sin LingQian 80 signing solution sign: yue misgivings

Wong tai sin LingQian80 sign: yue misgivings

Pray: good or ill luck of LingQian

Wong tai sin LingQian eightieth sign: auspicious sign yue misgivings

Wong tai sin LingQianThe 80th sign: signed a poem

Fly Shang on credit to dance when I mistaken GongYing horizontal cup for a snake

Read the poem the mysterious tactic ty to no matter no difference

Note: drinking and dancing.This very happy.And the cup GongYing.Made mistake think snake.Is nothing into something.I don't know who failure to polar.Goes.After a storm comes a calm.Broken error-free.To foretell.

Wong tai sin LingQianThe 80th sign: sign the poem

Enjoy singing and dancing while drinking, it is how treat, but carry GongYing mistake as a snake in the cup, is wrong!Understand that the truth, is to hasten lucky avoids disaster.

Obtained the LingQian necessary practice good, even for people guilty, also fear of ghosts and gods, the heart have dominated.Meet difficult thing, easy to deal with, not false falls to the snake cup, etc., this is a failure, and outcome, RongFa LingQian also, everything is smooth and clear.

Wong tai sin LingQian 80 sign:Fairy machine

Money available.Disease cure.

Livestock and silkworm.Slightly better.

Pregnant gratifying.Moved to.

Marriage can close.Appropriate caution.

Home safe.Appropriate gradually.

Ask for.Also right.

Wong tai sin LingQian 80 sign:paraphrase

Time: after the first bitter sweet, always optimistic, good luck will come ahead of time.

Career: according to their original plan to go to, not by others.

Wealth: wealth is good, but avoid waste money.

Itself: well, don't and soothsayers good frame of mind, can escape.

Family: husband and wife to be honest, do not mistrust each other.

Marriage: couples, to rule out a third party interference, after a storm comes a calm, after marriage.

To: to move it earlier decision, good luck to turn after, will not change.

Reputation: LingQian implying in the second half of the year will be more big harvest.

Health: any uncomfortable, find a best procuratorial is a formal type of doctor.

Friendship: friends tend to get along with, can one especially for you.

I will xingfa feng shui: LingQian implying here.

Lost: find or available.

Itself: the bitter and sweet.

Timing: half sorrow and welcome.

Travel: what also just as well.

The explanation and recorded: yue misgivings

This is a story of "afraid of their own shadows".Yue guang, one day, pleaseHave a meal, the guest of a person is very suspicious, even doubt the GongYing is snake, in a home after drinking, sullen, yue know, asked him to come home again, sitting in the original position, let him understand, snake in the glass, the original is hanging in the bow of shadow.Misgivings, that people feel at ease.Enjoy singing and dancing while drinking, it is how treat, but carry GongYing mistake as a snake in the cup, is wrong!Understand that the truth, is to hasten lucky avoids disaster.

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