Guanyin LingQian 6 guanyin LingQian solution to sign

Guanyin LingQian6 guanyin LingQian solution sign: RenGui in the Lord

Guanyin LingQian 6 guanyin LingQian solution sign: RenGui in the Lord

The good or ill luck palace: codes, ugly palace

In rock under copper torii, must is also his men of courage;For who can get picked up camp, heaven and earth pass no man.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

The divination for rock copper (carving) like a bird.All matters relating to the auspicious signs.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

Eating everything in a glance.Qing xi poverty.Stay in tetra pak.Rights and people.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

In the house - against itself - for money - the auspicious trading - difficult marriage - mediocre liujia to Ann pedestrians, the near field of silkworm - earlier species of animals - loss wanted to see the migration, the auspicious items - see disease - because of public litigation to rational mountain grave, ji

Guanyin LingQian 6:Overall interpretation

Sacrifice themselves, dedication.

Need to have skill and ability.

Has such self-denial chance to happen again.

There is nothing out of the people

In Tu: in Tu,The tiger

Eagle: a carnivorous birds.

This sign the essence

"Such a bear, but by ability."

"Mo and virtuous person"

"Chaotic hero", "great to see a friend"

All things work

This sign signal, and what is a man of character self-sacrifice, can sacrifice themselves and help others.As such, has very little.

Love marriage

When asked if the marriage

If you would look for marriage, can be in turmoil when the chance to find, when someone show sacrifice spirit, this is rarely the best partner.

Can you ask, the objects of communication

If you would like to pursue, but the connection.More dedication, can win his heart.

If the object could further or ask the current communicationTo get married

Love must go through the impact of the adversity, and then to present your "true love" lover.If you love since the past, always a smooth, happy, sweet, that you still don't get married.If your love has been experienced impact or adversity test, then you just decide whether life hand in hand with him.

If love, marriage breaking up, stuck, ask or relationship and good

Please more tolerance and dedication, love can break up the "return", return to peace.

Job startup business

If the job work ask where or future

If you would like to find a job, when the downturn, are you a good time to find a good job, but have to have skill.

If asked, future career

If career developed, be sure to have the ability of better than peers, with can cause all kinds of crisis.If can through the crisis, to outshine others.If the last the crisis hit, the profit return to the origin.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

You ask, test or future of various competitions

Examination, competition, competition is intense, needs to have the ability of people will pass.If you can bypass the close, that is beyond the pack.

You ask, promotion, promotion in transit

To raise or a promotion, if in the turmoil of the moment, is the best time, but itself must have great skill, able to stand out from the crowd.

Finance and investment

When the downturn, all sectors of the depression, is the investment opportunity.

Doing business

Business, business to have superhuman courage, are Italian.In market timing, material prices fluctuations of time, risk, it seems only to good taste in profit at the moment.

Real estate transactions

If you would in the real estate investment profit, people snapped up in public, then don't follow the herd.When the sinister, all selling, is a buying opportunity.Can go at the moment the right direction, as well as the gentleman.

Treating health

Every important festival, is the peak of the disease, if can through these levels, it can be from one village.

Conversion changes

When the time is bad, let a person think of to change, this is also the key to success or failure.Please reverse thinking, to give yourself a right direction.

To pregnant for children

If you would get pregnant, but the connection.The woman more sacrifice and the initiative, when available.


Sacrifice and back down.

Wanted any

The lost can "return".

Travel abroad

If you would go abroad development, can make a big sacrifice, and be sure to have a skill, or we will have to "return", meaning, and to return to their township development state.

Guanyin LingQian 6: allusions

RenGui in the Lord.The tang dynasty.Xue li consented three times.No success.Just as a group.The warActive is collecting by others, too.Emperor taizong (account) Sue after is built.Critical condition.RenGui save.By emperor taizong as marshal.After general dongda troo crusade.A great.

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