35 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian signed 35

Guanyin LingQian35 guanyin LingQian solution signed 35: tang's monk scriptures guanyin LingQian sign

35 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution signed 35: tang's monk scriptures guanyin LingQian sign

35 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution signed 35: tang's monk scriptures guanyin LingQian sign

The good or ill luck palace: window "palace

A reforming old Dan, tao is no dome is active;But Saul when way thorn, three people about meeting again and the same.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams clothes reforming.Every difficult after yi also beforehand.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

There is no inside.Its own ritual.You ask, future.The road ahead may be appropriate.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

House - disorderly itself - ji - good deal - the marriage for money - resistance pregnant - jing pedestrians - adverse to tian silkworm - animals - xing wanted to to public litigation, the rational migration - Ann items - late see disease - blessing mountain grave - should be old

Guanyin LingQian 35:Overall interpretation

First statement: to rectify

Second statement: although the pains is active

The third sentence: make concerted efforts, overcome obstacles, can help.

This sign the essence

Rally, "glory.The contract will, drawbacks.

All things work

To reform, this is can achieve.Eliminate barriers, get rid of the bad, and everybody together, these things have in Italy.

Love marriage

If you want to get marriage, or want to have the right, or seek progress again, or courtship back,

Change again in plane, reconstructing new yourself, face with a new attitude, for love is active.

If there is a third party, three people when the main one, a good convention, live without.

Job startup business

Where are the jobs, depends on his own ambition, job applications and services, wear the note.

Bosom big ambition, make new appearance, reforming, again will get into my career.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

JingShi s, but the hongzhi, comprehensive training, future light.

Promotion strength, obstacles to eliminate, many modification, promotion is expected.

Finance and investment

Mark when reforming strategy to develop, yet again, the future is good.

Doing business

Business, business comprehensive review again, obstacles when cleaning, the drawbacks.

Real estate transactions

Sell things when cleaning, make new appearance, attract new demand, good deal.

Treating health

Illness when review, explore pathogenesis, comprehensive treatment, can help after the illness.

Conversion changes

Shift effect, if change when full, workplace may not change, be sure to new model.

To pregnant for children

Prevent accidental pregnant things, discrepancy when careful, meditation can fetus, more pray on the right.


Heavy study the case, sort out the key point, eliminate the obstacles, in order to suit the rationale.

Wanted any

To recall the lost, come up with may place, remove obstacles, the lost when.

Travel abroad

Far to seek development, discuss with people, and in addition to all the obstacles, future glory.

Guanyin LingQian 35: allusions

Monk tang letter family name is Chen yi.The 13th annual expenditures.The method number xuan zang.The experiences of the tianzhu (India).Through hardships.Start up to four years.Fifteen years later returned to learn.Get back to a large number of buddhist scriptures.And translated into Chinese.Journey to the west in the story.

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