29 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian sign 29

Guanyin LingQian29 guanyin LingQian solution sign 29: zhao zilong save dou guan Yin LingQian sign

29 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution sign 29: zhao zilong save dou guan Yin LingQian sign

The good or ill luck palace: unsuccessful noon palace

Sword out of the box yiu light, in the magazine didn't provoke dust;Today people join in, have all powerful qin.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams sword out of the box.Everything has a powerful too.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

The sword out of the box.Thousands of miles.Noble guidance.All beauty.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home to bless themselves, the auspicious for money - the deal - into the marriage - good pregnant - female pedestrians - sluggish tian silkworm - appropriate early animals - loss wanted to see the public litigation, and the migration - xing items - south disease to also let old mountain grave, ji

Guanyin LingQian 29:Overall interpretation

Sword of his place in the box, protected, no display.Now the sword out of the box, 20 yu yao wu's time.

This sign the essence

Out of the woods, Deus ex, noble reward, 20 yao wu.

All things work

This sign to sword situation to describe things.Sword on behalf of very high quality person, matter or thing, but the person or thing has not show, until in the person or thing is to show his light.

Love marriage

When asked if the marriage

Your condition is very good, but there has been no marriage in the best friend so long, and now your marriage comes, is also a time for you to love glows.Through the matchmaker's recommendation, can get very good matches.

Can you ask, the objects of communication

This is a good opportunity for you get marriage, is also the time you love.

If the object could further or ask the current communicationTo get married

Towards marriage, is not love, you could go to business this beautiful ending!

If love, marriage breaking up, stuck, ask or relationship and good

Your relationship is not a problem, can always save and reconciliation, more gentle love to run him!

Job startup business

In the past there has been no major development in your job, and in the future is to get rid of the difficult, towards glory.Will be affirmative, noble and make the enterprise progresses day by day, the gorgeous.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

In the past did not have a good performance in this aspect, and the future is time for you to 20 yao wu, thoroughly grasp, to business!

Finance and investment

In business or finance does not have the desired effect in the past, will now be out of the woods, there will be a bonanza, shocked.

Real estate transactions

Buying and selling unpopular in the past, now finally have the customer the door, please make your own grasp with can clinch a deal.

Treating health

There may yet still, why hasn't the, therefore has a strange disease, settle can also quickly.

Conversion changes

This is your time of thoroughly remould oneself, is toward the goals you want!

To pregnant for children

This is your time for successful pregnancy, will be a girl.


Litigation under no winner, if can reconciliation or their retreat, this is the best ending.

Wanted any

This is lost in time, please search the south.

Travel abroad

Go abroad for further study, well, this is the time for you.

Guanyin LingQian 29: allusions

The three countries.Zhaoyun.The word dragon son.Dichroa.For liu bei in Athens.When Cao Caoyu jiangnan.To attack liu bei Yu Shenye home first.Go home FanCheng.After defeat in the program.Families separated.Dragons on the wall next encounter Mi lady.Mrs Will son dou cloud.Cloud will Ma Shou lady.Lady refused to grant.TouJing and die.Cloud cry buried bi.Embrace dou.Kill jun more than ten.Out of the trap.Zhang fei slope meet the long board.Saved the dou.

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