Goddess of mercy guanyin LingQian LingQian 11 signed 11

Guanyin LingQianCommend 11 guanyin LingQian solution sign book of 11: jiang wei

Goddess of mercy guanyin LingQian LingQian 11 solution signed 11: book recommendation jiang wei

House: the good or ill luck sign Yin palace

Desire - it can be very fight nai kiss because busy day;Will end unexpectedly into a deer arrows, noble noble township.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams a blessing in disguise.Camp for geely also in all things.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

Have off.What enron.You ask, take things personally.Nearly noble only.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home - business itself - well seek to have a deal, into the marriage - in liujia - male pedestrians - not to tian silkworm - in the flat in animals - ping wanted to see the public litigation, the rational migration - popular items - Oriental disease to rid the star mountain grave, ji

Guanyin LingQian 11:Overall interpretation

In pursuit of the good, the mood is very glad.

Relatives and friends are so busy

When the time comes will screen out of finches

And noble help, let oneself in more noble.

The arrows and the deer.

This sign the essence

A blessing in disguise.Because of pollution.Due to rise.

All things work

To this seeks, even busy up, relatives and friends to find hope, after all, can become, because of the past to assist, and make themselves more than in the noble.

Love marriage

You ask, when to marriage?Where to?

Because some accident, and make you met him...

Or, will also help you introduce noble.

Can you ask, the objects of communication?

In pursuit of his, the mood is very excited.The surrounding people are willing to help you.Then you can start it!

If the object could further or ask the current communicationTo get married?

As long as you expect, relatives and friends are willing to support you.

If love, marriage breaking up, stuck, ask or relationship and good

If you want to save, relatives and friends are happy to help you, that can be redeemed.

If a lover, a love triangle can win.

Job startup business

If the job work ask where or future

Recruit, can be accepted.Someone introduced or JianYin work, is good job.

You ask, career

If the external situation had change, then good for business.

There are a lot of people to assist in her career.

You ask, entrepreneurship

You can get the help of relatives and friends, and business.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

You ask, test or future of various competitions

Jinbang pass civil examinations can, do not slack off.

You ask, promotion, promotion in transit

Due to the situation changes, the promotion, promotion, if I have a "noble", will be more smoothly.If you want to change department, under the noble assistance, can transfer a better unit.

Finance and investment

Help, profitable.

Doing business

Same as above

Real estate transactions

Same as above

Treating health

Friends and relatives know you get sick, is willing to help you.

Conversion changes

When the external situation change, you also want to follow the change.This is a good chance to the next level.

To pregnant for children

If desire pregnancy, relatives and friends are willing to provide experience or secret recipe.Suggest hold ring, do good, a lot are more likely to get.


Nice people that will help you.The case is.

Wanted any

Relatives and friends help you find.The east.

Travel abroad

Relatives and friends are ready to support you, to develop a better future.

Guanyin LingQian 11: allusions

When the three countries.Originally jiang wei wei war.Be to soothe the bore is clear.Both jiang wei bravely.To the bore him.The bore is clear troo six qi mountain.Upon his dying.Will do the 24 are worth doing.Meter 104112 word.There were seven quit six of eight affairs of five dread will teach general jiang wei.With adhering to the work.

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