Sign the xuanwu mountain Buddha Buddha LingQian signed 18 solution LingQian signed 18 solution to sign

The Buddha LingQianSign: 18 dong zhuo lyu3 bu4 middle sign

The Buddha LingQian: sign a poem

The big fishQujiang, cicada to LiuZhongMing;Rich without beg food, HuaJiao listen to three.

The Buddha LingQian: sign

The dark clouds cover month of toad hall to catch rabbits.Zodiac: "rabbit"

The Buddha LingQian: home

Old bad loss, why upset again this year, livestock production field of silkworm loss prevention, fire more suspected stolen two attacks, the auspicious curtilage population can get happy, but against the disease difficult to curse not lost money stolen of urban fire, is a gate of fire smoke to kill, beg the Buddha to gate on the living money Ding Xingwang, the woman has been careful to kill.

The Buddha LingQian: old gentleman

Keep your original years deep, the dragon face not empty ChangYin, corresponding only in the autumn river, where the moon lotus.

The Buddha LingQian: business

Slant a bit money can't get, is money should also be conservative, don't greedy business prevention, hand-to-mouth buying remember heart, "the business deals like empty over bird, a suspicion gain block, second to prevent loss of business must be careful with your heart"

The Buddha LingQian: look

Weng had nothing to do mountain, for the birds make luck dragon, who get up and greedy meter do also into the empty, the difficult situation, to prevent blocking could curse is lost money, everything is not greedy, not for conservative, Ann"

The Buddha LingQian: marriage

Tonight, whether it's and not for teaching's heart into weft, but should see only a forest, WuGengTian xiao in general, the marriage failed, not to say do not say, even if said to weddingTo get marriedDon't for a long time,

The Buddha LingQian: go out

Channeling of jun is the subject, but too into the dog gave birth to a cause, not beauty with conservative management from raw anakims; harm!

The Buddha LingQian: open shop

No beauty to prevent costly, to prevent theftfireDon't greed should be from the right path, trading.

The Buddha LingQian: partnership

Not beautiful man training with greedy don't free to others at a loss!

The Buddha LingQian: seek

Is Treasury money like profit empty empty over bird, and a fear of small consumption of appropriate careful management, to seek the insurable peace, partial goods loss not too!

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