Che LingQian sign: sixty-two signing

Che LingQian sign: sixty-two signing _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQianSign: sixty-two signing

Sign,: good smell of the land landscape, fame and fortune their heroes;The road is the only proof the waves nasty, horse tired people exhausted tis altogether vain to fatigue.

Sign: everything is bad

Broken sign: home, for emergency, itself, and be careful, marriage, without asking for money, scene luck hysteresis, travel is unfavorable, and mo, stay when old

House: flat

Travel: shoulds not be long

Marriage: not yet

Pedestrian: on the way there

Baby: can get the girl

Action: before, or fear of loss

Career: implementation is preferred

Should not be moved: as far

Cultivate one's morality itself: convergence

Disease: be careful of brothers

Finances: bad

Che LingQian sign: sixty-two signing relevant content

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