Che LingQian 30 sign: sign

Che LingQian 30 sign: sign _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQianSign: 30 sign

Sign: soul Xiao 'o straightforward is true, the body is like Buddha wonderful body;In the eye of a sit down, don't lose the ill active people.

Sign: to stay bliss come, everything is all right

Broken sign: house auspicious, disease good, evil, evil, own fudge, and peace, marriage, seek for the good, continue to do good, and the decree by destiny

House: prosperity

Travel: fitting

Marriage: parataxis

Pedestrian: have to

Baby: can get the girl

Action: reconciliation

Career: smooth

Relocation: kyrgyzstan is preferred

Themselves: virtue be safe

Disease: can be recovered

Finances: can get profits

Che LingQian 30 sign: sign related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query