Sign: che LingQian 24 ticket

Sign: che LingQian 24 ticket _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQianThe twenty-fourth sign: lucky number

Sign: not bad thing, just for greedy to others;If struggled to get noble, don't teach waste cost.

Solution to sign: do not greed, its peace, house in anji, of disease as a blessing

Is more than broken sign: house, which is turn disease with medical ethics, its futile, discrepancy, marriage, don't ask for money, good schoolyard bullies, the blessing is not shallow, advice noble, xian when most needed is least heeded

House: peace

Travel: fitting

Marriage: words carefully

Pedestrian: there will be a block

Baby: natural labor

Action: reconciliation

Cause: the partnership is preferred

Relocation: choose to kyrgyzstan

Itself: no desire is preferred

Disease: careful nursing

Finances: careful financial ruin

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