Aquarius: boys and girls paired Taurus

The boyAquarius:And the girlTaurusConstellation matching

Aquarius:Aquarius: boys and girls Taurus matching _ the zodiacTaurus

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required

In terms of visual characteristics of Aquarius men, he seldom surprised with everything.However, he roamed to him with a Taurus girl what happened after a period of time without preparation.He is a strong rule of man (these rules might be a little weird, but it is his own rules, and be strong, or fairly stable).He has a lot of affection for human.He is interested in everyone, no matter for women, men, or any other gender are not prejudiced.He gave her the damage, it is unconscious.How could he hurt her?Together they play more fun in the zoo.He just treated her like a big brother, her friends, her good friend, her partner.

Taurus girl by maternal model, for the love she is a women don't argue with his mother.In their two people get along with the beginning of the stage, he often in the later on she make a mistake.To make a mistake for the first time he found himself from time to time and sweetly pay attention to her, ask her some familiar to some shocking problem between people, when she was crying, he sympathetically elongation ears, at that time, he should have the strength - notice she is a againA woman.She must have noticed that he is a man.She immediately noticed it.So for her, love equation becomes quite simple, a male and a female is ecstasy - in every level so that instead of just the lowest level of satisfaction.It means that the action such as kissing and hugging, shaking hands, it means that the skinA blind date.Many water container (not all) fear of human contact, just like afraid black plague (black plague refers to when people use your towel or toothbrush when you have that kind of feeling, also known as the spirit of plague.No matter what kind of, let a person can't stand).Not to say that the Aquarius hemp against the touch, but it will cause - what they say - together?Or similar nonsense.When two people stay in Aquarius will feel safe.That is to say, he confirm that he's standing here and standing alone.Don't be forced, not in danger of losing his personality.If you want to touch others everywhere, especially girls, she know what you are letting myself, at this moment?Especially when they both go togetherswimming, but she forgot to bring my own towel?Perhaps it is the black plague or white plague!

Maybe he is absorbed in her to use my for all forms of experiment with curiosity, to analyze her, to see how she like clocks tick tick-tock motion.But Taurus girl didn't realize that he is just the experiment of his curiosity.He mad too wonderful, however, when she thought (after) as Taurus often do, she tell him and he will not casually invite any old maid in, so she came to the conclusion: he fell in love with her.

Maybe he fell in love with.Aquarius men, however, have a kind of see a kind of feeling into the habit of friendship, like testing its precious value, and then let it rust there.In Taurus girl, so ignore the emotional needs of each other, will certainly become a real loser.She thought, the true love only once in a lifetime.Why not go to know it and create a chance for them, but the risk that miss it?In astrology, she was right.The true love (means the combination of the two hearts) is a rare good experience.If you missed it, have to in the future to run after it, that's too bad.Although Aquarius is "love" of fate in astrology the eleventh place of natural ruler, but a lot of Aquarius is still miss the true love.They tend to be alone and want to avoid the constraints of marriage, andSagittariusandvirgoSide by side forward.They also avoid mistakes.Considering this is 4, 10 type vibration, avoid the combination, palace is a good thing.If they happen to made a mistakeTo get married, then, to solve the knot is not difficult.

Are exceptions, generally Taurus girl, if with an Aquarius man lucky together, she is more easily influenced by the combination of damage than he is.As soon as she fell in love with, she hope love will forever.This is Aquarius male for the original idea, unless he has what quirks predatory behavior, she could not expect this kind of behavior, because he even oneself also can't foresee, god knows he should explain to own this kind of behavior.He is a constant, palace, so he can imagine may even be satisfied with the right woman as partner for life.But, when he is not satisfied with his Uranus vibration makes him easier than she was to endure the final separation.

Although Aquarius people in their daily life and personal habits has permanently qualitative, but, if necessary (and sometimes is unnecessary), he can adapt to changing quietly.Taurus are not.For Taurus girl, change is fear.It means new, strange, yet tried and not familiar with.Once in her and his lover's arms are protected.She used to him, as she used to own hairstyle, faded overalls, old record, break the coffee pot, using bad tennis - and, of course, for these have deep feelings.Even in and his life is filled with friction, the unbearable degree, as long as she stubbornly thinks there's hope, she will delay by separation or divorce action to end the pain.You have to admire her patience.However, if she decided to leave him, she would go.Anything will not be able to pull her back.It is said that if she is serious about this matter, not just desperate to try again.If the latter, she could loyalty and hard work will be rewarded, because of a temporary separation changed the monotonous life, made him interested in the new changing situation.This is some Taurus girl love, it can often produce the Aquarius from his distant yank back the effect of the outside world, so that he is awake to know, he is lost may not just warm friendship.He may start to be very considerate in the evening, when he remembered her nose wrinkled up laughter interesting appearance, she isTake a showerSinging out of tune when circumstances, on Sunday morning, woke up eyes during a peaceful expression, be fully love women had slightly voice, her strange joke, shiny hair, soothing skin..., it seems, perhaps she is more than just another partner.She pulled the thorn out of the his feet, massage for him, let him see her loyalty, put all the things very comfortable, looking for happiness, in the poor to help him drive headache, tomato soup, earn more money,To make love, and so on, all these things she did well - yes, she is not only a good friend.She is really not common if in this kind of type 4, 10 palace without day, month, a little breeze will be rocking the boat, let it wiped out.Because he Uranus fast and her reaction is slow, he might depart hurriedly before she realized that to have an accident, and she will be in the feelings of the ocean turbulence, no future.She comes from earth element, rather than the element of water.This is when it screws Taurus container is more dangerous than water.However, in both a chart on the harmonious tendency of the day - month of interstellar help, they will be able to weave a beautiful life and love to the fever kam, filling the sympathy and affection of the eiderdown, make them in intermittentlyA fightKeep warm and comfortable, kiss and reconciliation.

Their relationship may fail and incomplete unless she accept his madness, and to cater the need for change.She should use her little surprise move shook him, he takes time and patience to understand and to satisfy her hunger for love and desire for sex, she always need is for the expression of love, rather than sex.However, if the Taurus girl make a little effort to tolerance on sexual, emotional, and his love of personality.He is a sensitive and considerate lover.She should realize that his passion is the spirit of Uranus, also is the body, she would have to find some imaginative ways to relieve him of the abstract traditional sexual desire and their concentration to requirements.Lifted the man to have passion, of pure air rocket type is a unremitting challenge, however, is worth for this to work, because of Aquarius will bring unexpected miracle to have complete, the miracle will appear on the mind and the body feeling.

To warn a word.When they fight, he may use pet mice as a gesture of reconciliation, Taurus people is closely related not only with the bull and the cow.Do you know the elephant sawThe mouseWhen they do.She will also do the same things, play with the scream of the cold war concurrent syndromes beep sound, wildly in the air shaking body, fear of tilt the body across the room...Threw himself into his arms.This is the reason why he took the mouse.Don't underestimate Aquarius men shrewd calculation.He can always know exactly what you're doing, no matter how crazy when he did it appear.

The two men is not the same.She is a girl.He is man.She hoped he himself when a woman, he hopes that she will turn when men look at himself.She get it, he might not have.She waited for the blanket and luxury with like a thick heavy furniture;He just sleep in tent a ball;She likes in the water of a pool with aromatic oils with full of fragrance back brush to clean the skin, he likes using bamboo pat your skin in the shower, like the Japanese;She likes -- what he called the boring of calm and peace, he likes excitement and debate - she is called crazy.

She may be the last control normally control very good temper and patience to get angry, tell him to go to let others pulled out his feet.However, if he can teach her how to fly, and she can teach him how to put the thorn out...Then, who knows?

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