Taurus boy and Scorpio girl pairing

The boyTaurusAnd the girlScorpioConstellation matching

TaurusTaurus Scorpio girls and boys paired _ the zodiacScorpio

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required

A woman feel already fall into a Scorpio magnetic attraction of the mysterious world of Taurus men, either will face the most painful of his life stage, or will experience the most brilliant phase, and won't be very ordinary.

If on their respective astrology chart of the sun, the moon there is conflict between factors, that he will face the most painful stage.But if the relationship between the two light is harmonious, that he would experience the splendid stage.Assuming everything is cool their planet, then he will be very smoothly into the mysterious world, but perhaps he when falling into her love of the abyss in under his arm of the bible.The basis of this and the lady to establish a close before you read the bible is really a good idea.No matter what they say or do, Scorpio always can find a in the scripture to prove they are right.And they will quote this paragraph of words, prove to you that their motivation is beyond reproach.They are not only the "new testament" and the old testament experts, but also has found that destroyed the lines of power - and often found Scorpio is the essence of the bible.

Scorpio's character is too hot, so that the Taurus man can't control, or her heart too mysterious, and he couldn't see through.Taurus is very good at romantic opened nostrils when the stars, sneaked in Scorpio girl's house.And she, as a result of easy to relative Taurus is attracted by the opposite sex with her, so may even barefoot ran out of the house went out to meet him.This is their special differentiation.During their stay in quiet moments, Scorpio woman in front of the Taurus man she can become a love across long years.And in the daytime, she wear the mask of Scorpio, become the shy girl, the lost girl.

Although she seems like a gentle and quiet, but she is not a easy to get along with women.She is attractive, feminine, intelligent, loyal and passionate.But she is not a naive girl want to be in love objects.Scorpio in the passion of life, but sometimes they will also emotions hidden for years.This is why they seem to be very docile, suddenly will be on your guard in a rage, then vanished into thin air, it is even harder to deal with, also more puzzling.

Over a period of time, she could follow her husband what to do, as long as he don't be too aggressive.And then she will show her hidden power.Sleek and compromise is not her strong point.For that matter, these are not his strength.Both in Taurus and Scorpio are reluctant to understand other people's opinions.No, don't quite like that.Feel to understand other people's opinions with difficulty, Taurus and Scorpio is her unique understanding to quite clearly understand that other people will, but she is still pay more attention to their own desires, and not pay attention to her unit may tell her what other people think.So they have to make some adjustments, or when they are together will be back to back, cross arm, shut the mouth, said nothing.They were both born in fixed palace, but they are also born in negative palace, so they can also geothermal Wen Er and compassionate, as long as he choose those "negative" behaviors, which is just about their day palace "negative" quality "negative" compensation.

He to peaceful and loving planet Venus, she subjected to explosive emotion and mysterious planet Pluto.As a result, their harmonious sex life is always full of surprises and body extremely satisfied.She and her own life in the mystery of sex together, and call it love divine.Mysterious meanings about sex, she also has a curious, greed this curious only man deeper intimacy with her love to meet, despite her desire to always have an air of purity.For Scorpio women, sex will never be cheap.She will insist on to her whole self, not just for the body need to be loved.So will he.

Taurus menTo make loveA comprehensive understanding of the forever also can not reach her understand the kind of depth, but this will not prevent him to get pleasure from it.Sexual expression for the Taurus and Scorpio, is sacred, is through the passion between two people pay and get and make the spiritual strength constantly updated, for the combination of the persistent, however, is not enough to only have sex, even if it is like the Taurus and Scorpio relationship so perfect in the seventh day of the palace type, also is not enough, they must always pay attention to other aspects of love.The two big fight in a never easily after reconciliation.Their respective fixed pattern of behavior to make them separate.Scorpio will say: "I can forgive, but I won't forget it."They all attach great importance to yourself.Their real meaning is: "I can't forgive you."Because the real forgiveness is to ignore it, truly forgive is to forget it.Refused to true understanding is dark and misfortune.Such seeds sown in the field, will grow up to be cold and lonely, premature aging, chronic illness and emotional mental derangement, it is like an oak seed grow into a huge oak, absolutely true.

His funny feeling may be another cause of tension between the two people, need to temporary and effective jokes and continuous humor, make him heavy life becomes relaxed and happy.She can laugh at his humorous words, but no smile, her eyes immediately and he will know she can't bear being made fun of, because he will never make fun of yourself to be.He rich sense of humor is what makes him become enthusiastic.If she in heart some jokes to let him stay some time not angered by them, she will find that the joke was what she needed to drive away his emotions in the shadow of a dose of medicine.

Taurus and Scorpio is the vibration of love between the most perfect typical, became silent screen idol Rudolf valenti, who was much talk of "mysteryA woman"Mysterious journey.Regardless of the gossip, she never compromise with this era.No matter what she had used the name, her day palace or moon palace must be a Scorpio (this article may be clues to understand her personality).Yes, she can only is a loss of Scorpio woman, think life, love, sex, death can't be separated.The day of his death each year, she with unwavering loyalty, alone to her lover's graveyard, Taurus wearing all black gown, wearing a veil, offer a deep feeling, full of her grief and loyalty bouquet.

This is between the Taurus and Scorpio mode.No easy flirting, no accident liaisons.It will be boring, completely is a disaster - or a continuing lifelong dedication, then gone forever.Has everything -- or nothing.

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