Aries Scorpio girls and boys

The boyAriesAnd the girlScorpioConstellation matching

AriesAries Scorpio girls and boys paired _ the zodiacScorpio

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required

Scorpio is a woman was bornA womanWith a, wisdom and talent, can control oneself also can master others (master is not just a kick open), received the air must revenge, also will be able to revenge.But only its maturity, so her sense of responsibility is strong, loyal to protect oneself beloved person.

The world often ignored the advantages of the woman, too much emphasis on its disadvantages, so in many cases, the woman isn't willing to give their birth month.

The woman can be as beautiful as an angel, can also be as evil as satan, the man should remember don't hurt her self-esteem, let her every debate think she has the upper hand.Doing so will not make the man on the relations between the two people humble, on the contrary, she will only because of the man can self tolerance and more respected and loved the man.Once the woman fall in love with the man, no matter how against family members or the social public opinion how to attack, she would not yield.She will give their all to the person I love, and even life.

If a man says dissatisfied with some aspect of the woman may want to correct the woman a habit, that is asked for it, will can't eat take away.The woman blubber to?No, it isn't. It is white women do, they cry also do not have a thing.Scorpio women will silently, and suddenly to you, call you regret all too late, have bitterness also could not say.Tom is tasted this kind of bitter ─ ─ one day, he told Amy said: "you can't go to beauty parlour make person that hair good-looking?Tonight, my boss will take his wife to our homeHave a meal.Do you like this too trendy, let them look more bad."Love meters through the fire, but not a half points, also a sweet smile to say: "my dear, you're right."On the evening of the day, Tom to accompany the boss couples to go home, but not in the living room, Amy is not in the kitchen.Dinner seems to do nothing at all.Anxious that bad, Tom ran to the bedroom.Yes, Amy was lying there.Amy sweet ground to say: "dear of, explain to the boss?I have a splitting headache, tonight I don't want to see anyone."Tom is flustered, "what?I will say so?They are waiting to see you in the sitting room, you are wearing pajamas, don't do dinner.Do you want to destroy my career?Do you know what did you do good things!"Cute m just shut my eyes and smile lying there.This is the lesson, since Tom no longer also blame Amy's hair style.

Such a person is very difficult to get along well.His emotional and exposed, what say what, don't consider the consequences;Her mind's eye, more reserved, the man said each sentence is as the result of the foresight, and care about every word, not knowing he bears a grudge, heart.But if we can communicate more, can achieve mutual understanding, to avoid or eliminate misunderstanding, complement each other, each other very well together.

Indeed, as long as overcome these personality differences, their life will be as happy as they expected, because in terms of sex, the woman is very good at adjusting their respond.When it comes to sex, also remind the man,To make loveWhen don't overlook the feelings of the woman you meet, or you will make the woman feel hurt, even refused to make love to revenge.The woman in this way, of course, revenge is the least desirable, but should also pay attention to the man have to be careful, a negligence shall not.

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