Aquarius: a unique temperament

Unique temperament _ the zodiac Aquarius

There are no two same leaves in the world, everyone has their own unique place.Everyone is a unique scenery, live out their own wonderful.The zodiacWhat are the unique again?Each sign will is what kind of the unique existence?Let's take a look at.


If want to use an adjective to describe you, the word "happy"?You are the embodiment of pistachios, quick thinking you can always let people by surprise, can only say that you too will play, unique personality, ones appeal to let a person can't help it want to be friends with you!

Positive traits: different, independent, calm, curious, intelligent, and humanitarian.

Negative traits: cold, really low on agreeableness, aloof, stability, big change, unable to grasp.

Airy sign of Aquarius, shadow by guardian planet, proficient in astronomy, rich knowledge, has the ability to predict the future, very intelligent and rational.Aquarius personality is like the wind general liquidity for fundamental key, attach importance to knowledge, like thinking, can is a loyal to their beliefs, ideal of intellectuals.

Aquarius people born, natural response is fast, has a strong force of freedom and creativity, and attaches great importance to the theory, has excellent reasoning power reform and innovation.The opportunity to meet opportunities, can be appreciated.In the aspect of society, like making friends, be full of spirit of brotherhood;On a personal level, a respect for individual freedom and equality emphasized, and independent spirit.


Features: flat plate.

Differences: speaking of tablet, people naturally think of the love crazy, yes, the bottle and it almost.And Gemini are different, they may not bones, but they are cute. Having a flat piece of the same body.But be careful and edema.

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