"夢遊先生"(原名:"Les Aventures de Tintin")是一部由比利時漫畫家埃爾熱(Hergé,原名Georges Remi)創作的系列漫畫,首次出版於1929年。該系列講述了年輕記者丁丁和他的忠實伴侶白雪(Snowy)的冒險故事。丁丁是一個勇敢、正直、好奇的記者,他的冒險帶他環遊世界,揭露陰謀,解決謎題,並與各種有趣的角色相遇。
- "丁丁在蘇聯"(Tintin in the Land of the Soviets)
- "丁丁在美洲"(Tintin in the Congo)
- "丁丁在埃及"(Tintin in America)
- "丁丁在西藏"(Tintin in the Land of the Soviets)
- "藍蓮花"(The Blue Lotus)
- "奧托卡王的權杖"(The Broken Ear)
- "七個水晶球"(The Seven Crystal Balls)
- "太陽神的囚徒"(Prisoners of the Sun)
- "獨角獸號的秘密"(The Secret of the Unicorn)
- "紅海鯊魚"(Red Rackham's Treasure)
- "獨角獸號的航程"(The Crab with the Golden Claws)
- "蘇格蘭旗號"(The Shooting Star)
- "綠寶石失竊案"(The Smurfs and the Magic Flute)
- "黑島"(The Black Island)
- "金鉗螃蟹販毒集團"(King Ottakar's Sceptre)
- "紅鉗螃蟹販毒集團"(The Red Sea Sharks)
- "海盜失寶"(The Castafiore Emerald)
- "丁丁與字母藝術"(Tintin and the Picaros)
- "丁丁與月球探險"(Tintin in Tibet)
- "丁丁與獨角獸號的秘密"(Tintin and the Broken Ear)
- "丁丁與藍蓮花"(Tintin and the Seven Crystal Balls)
- "丁丁與太陽神的囚徒"(Tintin and the Shooting Star)
- "丁丁與獨角獸號的航程"(Tintin and the Black Island)
- "丁丁與金鉗螃蟹販毒集團"(Tintin and the Red Sea Sharks)