Psychosexual Development (心理性慾發展):
- Freud proposed that human development progresses through five psychosexual stages: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. Each stage is associated with a different erogenous zone and potential conflicts that can influence adult behavior and relationships.
Oedipus Complex (俄狄浦斯情結):
- This concept refers to a child's unconscious sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent and jealousy toward the same-sex parent. Freud believed that resolving this complex is crucial for healthy psychological development.
Libido (力比多):
- Libido is the term Freud used to describe the energy derived from the sexual drive. It is a fundamental force behind human behavior, including love and relationships.
Eros and Thanatos (生本能與死本能):
- Eros represents the life instinct, driving individuals toward love, creativity, and sexual fulfillment. Thanatos, the death instinct, represents aggressive and self-destructive tendencies. Freud suggested that these two forces are in constant conflict within the human psyche.
Transference (移情):
- In the context of therapy, transference occurs when a patient projects feelings and desires, often rooted in early relationships, onto the therapist. This concept can also apply to romantic relationships, where individuals may unconsciously transfer feelings from past relationships onto new partners.
Attachment Theory (依附理論):
- Although not originally developed by Freud, attachment theory builds on his ideas about early childhood experiences. It explores how early relationships with caregivers shape an individual's ability to form and maintain romantic relationships in adulthood.
Narcissism (自戀):
- Freud described narcissism as a stage in early development where the individual's libido is directed toward the self. In adulthood, excessive narcissism can hinder the ability to form healthy, reciprocal romantic relationships.